Monday, 28 September 2009


Originally uploaded by MrBennStep
And here's another one, without all the digital trickery.


Originally uploaded by MrBennStep
On Friday my new car arrived, so on Saturday I took it up to the Cotswolds for some late afternoon sun set shots.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Another (final) version of the OOB Robin

I was asked to do a "how did you do that" speech at Maidenhead Camera Club ( - check out the site, it's got one of my pics as the homepage image!) this week. And I wasn't overly chuffed with the V3 of the OOB Robin, so I redid it last night. I think this version is better:

In other news, last weekend we went to North Wales and I took some nice shots of Port Meirion and Snowdon. Will upload some here at some point...

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Out of Bounds version 3

So after a bit more time and care, here's the improved version of the American Robin.

I learnt some new PS techniques doing this too... select/stroke/fill to draw squares, the perspective and transform tools.

I also showed my Mum this pic, and she was so impressed she has spent the whole afternoon doing various OOB stuff with her holiday photos. If she sends me any I'll post here!

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Out of Bounds

Saw this: Out Of Bounds

and had a go myself:

Still WIP but not bad for 15 minutes of work (mainly using a trackpad rather than a tablet)!

Will tidy it up and repost once it the "paper" looks a bit better.