Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Happy Birthday, Mrs G!

So today is Mrs G's birthday. She had the day off work, and mooched around Reading. I had to go to work, and had another somewhat unproductive and slightly disillusioning day.

But this evening we went out for to the Jasmine Peking in Marlow, and had a rather tasty Chinese. We were sat next to a bit of an annoying family, who spent the first twenty minutes of the meal discussing loudly how great their new Mini Cooper is. Mneh, I could have had one of those, but I chose not to :)

I will get round to posting some photos soon, and try to justify the "picturesmith" part of the title. It won't be tomorrow though, as tomorrow we are having a departmental day/evening out, as a prize for being ace. The majority of the great work the team did was done before I joined the company, and all day long all I hear is how sh*te the current code base is, but for some reason we still won the prize for Best Team in this year's Staff Conference thing. So we're having the afternoon off and we're going Go-Karting, then out for a meal and drinks in a hotel. Nice.

Then at the weekend I'm going on a father/son bonding driving day. Ferraris, Porsches, Subarus and Lotuses (Loti?). That' s my kind of family bonding. Will check back at the weekend with some of my photos, and news of the various events.

Wow this is an exciting blog so far. I wonder if anyone is reading? Soon I might add some geeky .NET and Design Pattern ponderings, and see if that makes me popular.