Not a good day at work today. Had one of those "keep running into brick wall" days where everything I needed to know about our website <> mainframe interactions is something that Jim knows, and he's not here; or something that Adele knows, but she's busy... So at seven pm I left my work half done and came home. In a bad mood.
Luckily, at home, we had well tasty mushroom & spinach breadcrumb type things (thanks to Sainsbury's online for the recipe - and the uber-useful "add all these ingredients to my basket" functionality!) and this evening I think I'll play some Transformers (on the Wii). It came yesterday via the LoveFilm postal rental service, and it's rather entertaining. Pretending to be a giant robot and blowing sh!t up is always good. Graphics aren't bad (although the demo I saw on the PS3 in Curry's a few weeks ago was just awesome), controls are a little tricky (although that might just be me repeatedly holding the wiimote pointing up, which pushes the camera up) and the levels get pretty tough rather quickly (although that might just be me being crap).
Anyway, tomorrow's going to be a better day. I'm playing squash in the evening. Which is always fun.
And on Friday we're going up to Yorkshire, so should get the chance to take some photos! Yay!